Skin lotion stain on the carpet are not as common as other commonly found carpet stains. It may occur occasionally when you open the bottle and some droplets may fall on the carpet or when applying it to the skin. Still, it is essential to clean the lotion out of the carpet as early as possible. Skin lotion has an oily consistency. Hence, removing skin lotion stain from the carpet requires a different technique compared to other stains.
What do you need for carpet stain removal to get skin lotion out of the carpet?
Here is a list of the cleaning agents and tools that you will need to clean the lotion out of the carpet.
- 1 tbsp liquid detergent
- 2 cups warm water
- Club soda
- Isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol
- Dry cleaning solvent
- Citrus solvent
- 1 tbsp hydrogen peroxide
- Large spoon
- Vacuum cleaner
- Towels / Paper towels
Step-by-Step Process of Removing Skin Lotion Stain
- The initial step involves gently scraping off excess lotion out of carpet edges and working towards the centre.
- Use a vacuum cleaner or towel to lift up the excess stain.
Mix liquid detergent with warm water to make a soapy carpet stain removal.